All you need to do is find the manufacturer’s manual and get ready to enter the following information directly in to our website. We will need you to:

  1. Select the type of part you need replaced Pool or Spa in the top left corner of the page
  2. Follow the instructions in the pop up window
  3. Once you have selected that information, please go to Step 2. And pick a Category
  4. If you already have the part number, you may enter that information in the top right search bar that reads ‘Quick Part Finder:’
  5. Steps 3. & 4. are also required. Please enter the Brand and the Model, the more information you provide us with, the better. If you opt not to, that information should automatically populate once you type in the part number.
  6. Select the ‘GO’ button towards the part number search bar.
  7. Now we can help you find the right repair part(s) for your pool and/or spa equipment!