We have a variety of pool test kit supplies to meet all of your needs. With our accurate test kits you are now able to test the: water bacteria levels, pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid, free and total chlorine without a hitch! Just select the right kit to monitor these chemicals and so much more. Use Doheny’s Pool Supplies Fast for all of your pool water testing needs!

When you maintain the correct balance of swimming pool chemicals, then your water is healthier and more enjoyable for everyone! Now you can fight bacteria, keep water sparkling clear, reduce red-eye and more – a reliable pool test kit can help with all of this.

We carry many different swimming pool test strips, kits, meters, tabs, and even pocket testers to help you evaluate water quality. It is essential to learn how to test and monitor water levels on a weekly basis to maintain a clean pool regimen. If you’re not sure which product is best for your needs, just call us at 1- 800-574-7665 so we can help.