Solar Cover Care - Increase The Life of Your Solar Cover

Solar covers not only help to keep your pool water warm but also reduce evaporation, save energy, and minimize debris from entering the pool. However, like any pool accessory, solar covers require proper care and maintenance to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. Our Doheny’s Pool Pros have come up with a guide where we will explore the impact that various environmental factors have on solar covers, along with steps for cleaning, removal, and storage.

*Remember, while a solar cover is built to both heat up your pool and help prevent heat loss, it still is a piece of plastic floating in chemically treated water and requires proper care!

Understanding the Impact of Chemicals:

The number one cause of solar cover deterioration is shocking your pool with the cover on. We know, it can be a bit tedious after a long, hot day to take off the cover before balancing your pool, but chemicals can have adverse effects on your solar cover if not properly managed. Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Chemical Breakdown: Some pool chemicals, particularly chlorine and bromine, can deteriorate the material of your solar cover over time. This can lead to discoloration, brittleness, and reduced effectiveness.
  • Water Balance: Maintaining proper water balance is crucial. If the water chemistry is imbalanced, it can result in corrosive or scaling conditions that may affect the solar cover's integrity. Regularly test and adjust the water chemistry to recommended levels.

*If you’ve just added chemicals to your pool, give the filter a few hours to disperse the chemicals before adding the solar cover back onto the pool’s surface.

The Sun's Impact on Solar Covers:

Solar covers are designed to be exposed to sunlight, but prolonged exposure can have some consequences. Consider the following:

  • UV Damage: Continuous exposure to sunlight can cause the solar cover's material to degrade and lose its effectiveness. UV rays break down the cover's chemical structure, leading to fading, brittleness, and reduced heat retention capabilities.
  • Time of Exposure: While solar covers should be exposed to the sun during the day to harness its heat, excessive exposure during non-swimming hours may accelerate wear and tear. Keeping your solar cover on during the evening or overnight helps your pool retain heat. Consider using a pool cover reel to easily remove and store the cover when not in use.

Proper Cleaning of Solar Covers:

Regular cleaning helps maintain the functionality and appearance of your solar cover, as well as helps prolong a cover’s lifespan. Follow these steps for effective cleaning:

  • Gentle Cleaning: Use a soft brush or a pool cover cleaner specifically designed for solar covers. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that can damage the cover's surface.
    Removing Debris: Before cleaning, remove any debris such as leaves, twigs, or insects from the cover's surface. A pool skimmer or leaf net can be useful for this purpose.
  • Thorough Rinse: After brushing off dirt and debris, rinse the solar cover thoroughly with water to remove any residual cleaning agents.

*Let the cover fully dry before attempting to store it!

The frequency of cleaning your pool solar cover depends on various factors, including the environment, weather conditions, and the amount of debris that accumulates on the cover. However, as a general guideline, we recommend you clean your pool solar cover at least once every two weeks during the swimming season.

Proper Removal and Storage:

When the swimming season ends or when the cover is not in use, it's essential to properly remove and store your solar cover. Follow the steps below:

  • Avoid Dragging: Carefully remove the cover without dragging it across sharp edges or abrasive surfaces that can puncture or tear the material. Lift the cover while it's still partially submerged to reduce strain.
  • Cleaning Before Storage: Before storing the solar cover, clean it according to the aforementioned cleaning instructions. Ensure it is completely dry to prevent mold or mildew growth during storage.
  • Storage Location: Find a clean, dry, and protected area to store the solar cover. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or areas prone to extreme temperatures, as this can accelerate deterioration.

In conclusion, proper care and maintenance of your pool solar cover are vital for maximizing its lifespan and efficiency. By understanding the impact of chemicals and sunlight, implementing regular cleaning routines, and following correct removal and storage practices, you can ensure your solar cover remains in excellent condition for years to come. Remember, a well-maintained solar cover not only enhances your swimming experience but also provides energy-saving benefits for your pool.

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