The Ultimate Guide on How to Prepare for a Pool Party

Preparing for the Party

With summer in full swing, there's no better way to beat the heat than by hosting a pool party. Before you dive into the fun, it's important to ensure that your pool is clean, safe, and party-ready. Our Doheny’s Pool Pros have come up with a guide to help you prepare your pool for an unforgettable pool party experience.

Step 1: Clean and Balance the Water
The first step towards a successful pool party is to make sure your pool water is crystal clear and properly balanced. Start by skimming the surface to remove any leaves, large debris, or insects. Next, vacuum the pool to eliminate any dirt settled at the bottom. Test the water's pH, calcium hardness, chlorine, and alkalinity levels using a water testing kit. Adjust the chemicals as per the recommended levels below to maintain a safe and comfortable swimming environment. Let your pool filter run to circulate the chemicals over the next few days.

Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm
pH: 7.2-7.6
CYA: 40-60 ppm
Calcium Hardness: 225-300 ppm

We also recommend you shock the pool 3-4 days before your party in anticipation of increased bather loads. If your chlorine levels are in the proper range a day or two before the party, add in some extra oxi-shock to help burn off any impurities and give your pool that “dancing diamonds” look! This not only helps your pool sparkle, but helps prevent any skin or eye irritation.

Step 2: Check and Maintain Pool Equipment
A week prior to your party, inspect your pool equipment to ensure everything is in proper working condition. This gives you time to repair or replace any broken equipment. Check the pool pump, filter, and heater for any signs of damage or malfunction. Clean or replace the pool filter medium if necessary. Make sure the pool's circulation system is functioning correctly to keep the water clean and properly circulated during the party. We highly recommend you keep your filter running before, during, and after the party!

Step 3: Prepare Poolside Entertainment
Enhance the ambiance of your pool party by tidying up poolside and decorating. Invest in some inflatable pool toys, beach balls, or floating loungers to add a touch of fun and relaxation. Provide ample seating options with chairs, umbrellas, or even bean bags for guests to relax and unwind. Don't forget to set up a portable sound system or speakers to keep the party going with some lively music.

Step 4: Stock Up on Food & Refreshments
No pool party is complete without a variety of refreshing beverages and snacks. Make sure you have chilled drinks such as water, soda, and fruit juices, to keep your guests hydrated. Consider providing a variety of finger foods and light snacks, like fresh fruit and cheese, as well. If you have a grill, you can never go wrong with the classic hot dogs and hamburgers!

Step 5: Wrap Up & Enjoy the Party!
By this point, you’ve cleaned and balanced your water, checked up on your equipment, and prepared the space and refreshments for your party. All that’s left to do is to enjoy it! Make sure you have any first-aid and safety equipment in case of emergency and plenty of sunscreen.

After-Party Pool Care

Step 1: Basic Clean-Up
Now that everyone is gone, take some time to clean up any plates, trash, and pool toys in and around your pool. Skim the surface of the pool with your net and dispose of any large debris that may have been knocked in from your guests. Once you’ve gathered all the toys and accessories from the pool, rinse them off with some mild soap and water to remove any dirt or residue, and let them air dry before storing.

Step 2: Vacuum and Brush the Pool
Once you’ve cleared the surface, it’s time to vacuum and scrub the pool. When vacuuming, make sure to pay extra attention to the corners, steps, and other areas where debris might be able to accumulate. In order to remove any algae, grime, or scale buildup, use a pool brush to scrub the walls, tiles, and equipment surfaces. Start from the top and work your way down, applying gentle pressures to avoid damaging the pool’s finish. Focus on areas where dirt or oils may have accumulated, such as around the waterline or near pool entry points.

Step 3: Clean & Run the Pool Filter
Pool filters play a crucial role in maintaining water clarity and cleanliness. Depending on the type of filter system you have (sand, cartridge, or diatomaceous earth), clean or replace the filter medium. Keep the filter running after the party to ensure optimal water circulation and allow for the chemicals to do their jobs.

Step 4: Test and Balance the Water
After a pool party, it's common for the pool water's pH, chlorine levels, and alkalinity to be out of balance. Again, use a pool water testing kit to measure these levels accurately. Adjust the chemicals as per the recommended ranges mentioned previously to restore proper water balance. This will help prevent algae growth, maintain water clarity, and ensure a safe swimming environment for future use.

Step 5: Shock the Pool
To eliminate any contaminants introduced during the pool party, shock the pool with a pool shock treatment. We recommend you use twice your typical amount of shock due to the larger bather loads from the party. Keep an eye on your chlorine levels over the next few days and add more shock as needed.

And that’s all! Make sure to check out our blog for more informative guides and tips on how to properly take care of your pool, equipment, and more.

Need the proper pool equipment & chemicals? Check out our products below:

Brushes, Skimmers, & More
Toys, Games, & Floats